New Travel Terms and Trends

Like everything else in technology, travel is an ever-evolving field, with new trends and terms constantly emerging to reflect the changing desires and lifestyles of modern travelers. Recently, I’ve been hearing some new-to-me terms and concepts and I thought I’d share those with you.



Photo by RDNE Stock

 "Bleisure" combines "business" and "leisure" to describe a travel style where work trips are extended to include personal leisure time. Another aspect of bleisure is taking a business trip and your friends and family coming along for the ride. I used to do this when I had a work conference and would tack on two vacation days to explore. Of course, I’d be responsible for my accommodations and other costs incurred during the trip, but the bonus was, that I didn’t have to pay for airfare. 

 As the line between work and personal life blur, particularly with the rise of remote work, bleisure travel has become increasingly popular

This trend doesn’t seem to be slowing down, especially among Millenials. Bleisure promotes a healthier work-life balance. Companies are increasingly recognizing the benefits of bleisure, as employees return more refreshed and motivated.


Quiet Vacationing

Image courtesy of Armin Rimoldi

 Quiet vacationing isn’t on the up-and-up as bleisure. In fact, it is the latest symptom of a toxic work environment, like quiet quitting. Quiet vacationing is taking time off from work, without telling your boss. Employees create the illusion that they are online working full-time as usual. They take the meetings, send the emails, and do the bare minimum.

 Why not just take PTO? One social media post of a margarita on the beach at 2 pm can alert employers of a hush trip. Let’s face it, you can’t really unplug and enjoy the scenery of you’re constantly stressing about being found out.


Raw Dogging

Image courtesy of Anugrah Loyhia

 Trust me, I hated typing it as much as you hated reading it. "Raw dogging" has a specific meaning that refers to a minimalist approach to flying. It involves foregoing the typical comforts of air travel, such as in-flight entertainment, meals, water, and even sleep.

 Experts warn that skipping water during flight can be dangerous because humidity levels dry out at high elevations and water evaporates quickly from the skin and lungs. So, it is important to stay hydrated during a flight. Not sleeping on red eyes or international flights can increase jetlag and it can take longer to adjust to new time zones.

Proponents of raw dogging say it’s an inflight fast and a test of mental fortitude. This is a viral trend mostly among men. Shocker.


 A "daycation" is a short, getaway that provides a quick escape from the routine without the need for an extended trip. Hotels and beach clubs are jumping on the trend offering amenities like pool passes, cabanas, fitness classes, and spa treatments. According to the 2024 Travel Predictions survey, 60% of people are willing to pay for a day pass to a five-star hotel to just use the amenities without staying overnight.

 The appeal of daycations lies in their accessibility and convenience. Room charges are not included in a typical daycation package. They require minimal planning and can often be spontaneous, making them a perfect option for busy individuals looking to recharge.




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