Selected Features

Jamaica Observer

“First…A new travel show, WTAF — Women Travel Art and Food, was recently shot in Jamaica. WTAF features artists, creatives and chefs from around the world and proves that travel isn't just the purview of the boys' club. Co-producers Kelly Groehler and Diana O'Gilvie (who also directs the series) were on island in October showcasing Jamaica's beauty and paths less travelled. Viewers can see the world through a fresh set of eyes and experiences: about women, by women, for women.”

Ebony Magazine

“I didn’t choose Bali, Bali chose me. I vacationed here three years ago, and when I returned to New York (where I’m originally from, by way of Jamaica), Bali never left me. I thought about it every day. Eight months after moving here to become a high school English teacher, I am still in awe of Bali’s energy.

Bali is a mood, a frame of mind rather than a destination. Balinese culture plays out in every aspect of life—from delicately decorated flower petal offerings, to shutting down roads for a colorful religious temple procession, to the trance-like music and traditional dances.”

CNN Travel

Do blanket warnings help or hinder?

Not everyone finds official government warnings helpful.

Like bad Yelp or TripAdvisor reviews, government travel warnings have the potential to negatively affect tourism revenue in a given country or area.

“The worst part is the blanket advisories,” says traveler and photographer Jorge de Casanova. “Just because one area of a country is having problems does not mean the whole country is unsafe.”